Denssiflo® PTBD Catheter (With Metal Band)

Intended Use

Used for percutaneous placement of a trans hepatic biliary drainage catheter upto the duodenum for Internal – external drainage of bile.

6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 12, 14 & 16 Fr
30, 35, 40, 45 & 50 cm
Key Features

The pigtail tip configuration helps in the retention of the distal tip

Eye holes for better drainage

Hydrophilic coating for easy insertion

Available with 16 or 32 Holes

Metal band present near to last distal hole helps in correct placement of the catheter



Set Includes

PTBD catheter pigtail with metal band and hydrophilic coating, metal & plastic straightener and drainage bag connector.

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Denssiflo® PTBD Catheter (With Metal Band)

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